The medical profession is quoting from made up studies
My video catches dermatologists and various cancer charities quoting from made up studies to persuade us that “regular exposure to a tanning bed before the age of 35 increases the likelihood of developing melanoma by 75%”. This is also all over the internet and has even infected some review articles in medical journals. * But no such study exists!. Trust me! I spent a week searching for it. There is a study which shows that there is no increased risk for melanoma from tanning bed use. Jump to study 7 . Let’s not beat about the bush here. The only conclusion it’s possible to draw is that the medical profession wants to keep us out of the sun and out of tanning booths so that we remain vitamin d deficient, diseased and dependent on their drugs and vaccines. * (Chris’s tip: review articles which do not quote studies for their source are usually manipulative and phoney)
Here is some more misinformation from the UK National Health Service (NHS) vitamin d web page:

Studies show that only people who are vitamin d deficient die from covid-19
There are now plenty of studies which show that only people who are vitamin d deficient die from coronavirus. Jump to study 1. and Jump to study 3. Is it any wonder that the UK is so hard hit by covid-19?
Dr. Holick is the expert
But first, what expert or what study is the NHS basing their recommendation of 400 IU’s on? Dr. Holick is THE expert on vitamin d with 561 studies published in peer reviewed journals. He started studying vitamin d metabolism in 1980! Why would you deliberately ignore him and try to sideline him? The answer can only be that medicine is controlled by a corrupt mafia who are using medicine to control us! This is what Dr. Holick says:
The Vitamin d Solution Dr. Michael Holick
“….In my opinion, you could easily take 5,000 IU of vitamin D a day, probably forever. I typically recommend taking 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D a day—that should be adequate along with a multivitamin that contains 400 IU of vitamin D. I personally take 2,700 IU of vitamin D a day (400 in my multivitamin, another 2,000 from a stand-alone vitamin D supplement, and 300 from three glasses of milk). In the spring, summer, and fall, I cycle without sun protection for a period of time and then put sun protection on. We know from my own study, in collaboration with Dr. Robert Heaney, that you can take up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day for at least five months without toxicity. You would have to take probably 30,000 to 50,000 IU of vitamin D a day for long periods of time, months or years, to become vitamin D intoxicated….”
Chris’s note: Supplement with vitamin k2 to make sure that calcium ends up in the right place. Mainly in your bones and teeth. Jump to study 2 and it’s a good idea to supplement with magnesium chloride hexahydrate to prevent the theoretical risk of hypercalcemia. Put 2 tablespoonfuls in a jar of water and take a sip every morning on getting up.
Outdoor workers don’t get Melanoma
It’s well established that outdoor workers who are out in the sun all day get far less melanomas than office and factory workers who get no exposure all year round but then binge sunbathe on their holidays. I suspect that the main reason for this is that outdoor workers are getting plenty of vitamin d from sun exposure on their skin. Vitamin d protects the melanocytes. Jump to Study 8.
UV radiation damages DNA in skin cells but the cells have exquisite mechanisms to repair the damage.
You have several innate mechanisms for repair of UV radiation damage to skin including Nucleotide Excision Repair Jump to Study 11. Jump to Study 12. High levels of folate, the pro-hormone vitamin d, anti-oxidants c and e in the skin all protect against DNA damage as does the lesser known ergothioneine which you can get as a supplement or from your shiitake mushroom dashi in your miso soup
Deferred bribes – le pantouflage
Let’s be clear. Next to banking and oil, the most profitable industry is drug and vaccine manufacture with 1.23 trillions dollars of revenue in 2019. The people who own the banks and the oil industry also own pharma. (Sure you can buy shares in drug companies but the controlling stake is always the Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs etc. through their banks, their foundations, their financial institutions, their University endowments and yes, even their own personal shares.) They also own the media, big tech and politicians. Politicians and doctors and PHD’s in regulatory bodies are bought by “deferred bribes” of lucrative jobs when they leave office. The French call this “le pantouflage”. Une pantoufle is a slipper. We Brits call this “the revolving door”. Jump to Study 14.
Peer reviewed studies show that vitamin d is a direct competitor to drugs and vaccines
From reading the medical literature it has become clear to me that vitamin d, either as a supplement, from the sun or from a tanning bed is a direct competitor to drugs and vaccines.A sufficiency of vitamin d for example will prevent infection by covid-19 and any other virus and vitamin d deficiency is implicated in every chronic disease. is it any wonder that the NHS website for example is full of misinformation? That the WHO’s proclamations cannot be trusted? (The WHO is now mainly financed by the vaccine merchant Gates).
One example of harmful misinformation dressed up as authoritative advice is the WHO’s guidance on sun exposure which is repeated ad nauseam in the media.

WHO partial information
“….The UVI is a measure of the level of UV radiation.The values of the index range from zero upward – the higher the UVI, the greater the potential for damage to the skin and eye, and the less time it takes for harm to occur.
The UVI is an important vehicle to alert people about the need to use sun protection…”
No distinction is being made between:
UVA and UVB light which have very different effects on the body. Unlike UVA radiation which is ubiquitous during daylight, UVB light depends on season and time of day. So we have the “UV index” with its impressive looking charts and gradations of UV according to their “burning” propensity. For research purposes I wanted to find out whether any UVB radiation hits Nice in December. I asked google in French and got the answer. “Did you mean UV?” So the average UV rating in Nice in December is 1 and apparently that is unlikely to burn you. But what about vitamin d producing UVB? Is there any? If there is, how much and at what time of day? (The answer is that nowhere in Europe gets UVB all year round but the very southernmost tip gets UVB for about 11 months of the year.)
“…need for sun protection..” Why is the WHO and medical profession so intent on making sure no sun hits our skin? UVB hitting the skin produces vitamin d, the most powerful disease fighting substance there is. High levels of vitamin d in the skin protect against Melanoma. Jump to Study 14.
Jump to Study 9. Jump to Study 10. Jump to Study 4.
WHO Partial information and misinformation
“…A marked increase in the incidence of skin cancer in fair-skinned populations worldwide is strongly associated with excessive UV radiation exposure from the sun and possibly artificial sources such as sunbeds. Current evidence indicates that personal habits in relation to sun exposure constitute the most important individual risk factor for UV radiation damage….”
“..Marked increase..” Oh. really?
Firstly, what does a “marked increase blah, blah, mean? Are we expected to accept this as fact? Why would we? What makes the WHO the fount of all medical knowledge? Is the increase 1%, 5%, 10%? A search of pubmed reveals no reliable statistics. Where there are some statistics they are usually very out of date and show the incidence of melanoma rising steeply in some fair skinned populations and falling steeply in others. Jump to study 6. Then over what time period is this “marked rise”? Over the last 6 months, 2 years? 5 years? Last decade? Last 2 decades?
“….strongly associated with excessive UV radiation exposure from the sun and possibly artificial sources such as sunbeds…” Oh really? There is no evidence that use of tanning beds is related to melanoma incidence.Jump to Study 7.. What does “excessive radiation from the sun” mean? The comparatively benign and easily treatable squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas are most commonly found in outside workers in later life after a lifetime’s exposure. Are they caused by “excessive uv radiation? Not really. They are caused by a lifetime of continual radiation exposure. Jump to Study 8. What about melanoma? Well the incidence is much less in outside workers. So this indicates that chronic UV exposure is actually protective.
No distinction made between kinds of skin cancer
Secondly no distinction is made between types of skin cancer and I have to conclude that this is deliberately misleading. It’s meant to instil fear of sunbed and sun exposure so that we remain vitamin deficient. Let’s be clear: The relatively benign and easily treatable squamous cell (UK incidence 77 per 100,000 years) basal cell carcinomas (UK incidence :285 per 100,000 years) are most common in those with a lifetime of outdoor sun exposure (and likely avoidable with adequate natural folate intake and good levels of vitamin d and anti-oxidants c and e). Melanoma, although an aggressive cancer is fairly rare (25 per 100,000 in men in the UK) and easily treatable if caught early .Make sure you watch my ABCDE of skin inspection)
Sun exposure not a factor in Melanoma
I do not believe that UV radiation is a major causal factor in Melanoma (and neither does Doctor Holick by the way). For 2 reasons: a). Melanomas are often found on skin which gets no sun exposure.Jump to Study 10.b) 90% of the melanomas found on the “ears, face and neck” are on the cheeks, a result of routine x-rays at dental check ups. Another dirty little secret of dentistry and medicine
Chronic sun exposure protects against Melanoma
All year round continual exposure is protective. Outdoor workers almost never get melanomas. They get the much more common but fairly benign squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma. It’s indoor workers who binge sunbathe on holiday who are most at risk and by the way this is probably caused by sunburns leading to folate in the skin being used up by “photodegradation” Jump to study 5 rather than a localised effect. Jump to Study 4.
All this scaremongering and propaganda about sun exposure has led to a situation in the UK where white skinned women are terrified of sun exposure and are vitamin d deficient because of this. Jump to Study 9.
Is it any wonder that covid-19 is reaping havoc in the uk. Now go to my page of safe tanning tips.
Vitamin d deficiency is implicated in all acute covid deaths and in every disease! 76 studies shown here.
click to play gif

Vitamin d deficiency is implicated in all covid deaths and in every disease! Click to read the 76 studies and the country of origin of each study in PDF form.
Does vitamin D deficiency increase the severity of COVID-19
Weier et al July 2020
“….Low vitamin D levels have been associated with an increase in inflammatory cytokines and a significantly increased risk of pneumonia and viral upper respiratory tract infections. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increase in thrombotic episodes, which are frequently observed in COVID-19. Vitamin D deficiency has been found to occur more frequently in patients with obesity and diabetes. These conditions are reported to carry a higher mortality in COVID-19. If vitamin D does in fact reduce the severity of COVID-19 in regard to pneumonia/ARDS, inflammation, inflammatory cytokines and thrombosis, it is our opinion that supplements would offer a relatively easy option to decrease the impact of the pandemic….”
Study 2.
The Synergistic Interplay between Vitamins D and K for Bone and Cardiovascular Health: A Narrative Review.
van Ballegooijen et al 2017
“….Current evidence supports the notion that joint supplementation of vitamins D and K might be more effective than the consumption of either alone for bone and cardiovascular health. As more is discovered about the powerful combination of vitamins D and K, it gives a renewed reason to eat a healthy diet including a variety of foods such as vegetables and fermented dairy for bone and cardiovascular health….”
Study 3.
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and the Incidence of Acute Viral Respiratory Tract Infections in Healthy Adults
Sabetta et al 2010
“….The participants were evaluated for the development of any acute respiratory tract infections by investigators blinded to the 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations. The incidence of infection in participants with different concentrations of vitamin D was determined. One hundred ninety-five (98.5%) of the enrolled participants completed the study. Light skin pigmentation, lean body mass, and supplementation with vitamin D were found to correlate with higher concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. of 38 ng/ml or more were associated with a significant (p<0.0001) two-fold reduction in the risk of developing acute respiratory tract infections and with a marked reduction in the percentages of days ill…..”
“…It is estimated that 1 billion people worldwide have vitamin D concentrations under 30 ng/ml , and a much larger number would be expected to have concentrations under 38 ng/ml, as found in 81.3% of the participants for entire duration of this study. The average adult has 2–3 viral respiratory tract infections each year, resulting in countless physician visits, days lost from school and work, and enormous direct and indirect costs. A study in 2001 estimated that in the United States alone there were 500 million non-influenza viral respiratory tract infections each year, resulting in 189 million school days and 196 million workdays missed by the ill and their caregivers, with $40 billion dollars in costs …”
Study 4.
A new understanding in the epidemiology of melanoma.
Erdei and Torres 2010
“…The site of melanoma at diagnosis is not necessarily directly linked to localised UV exposures; several studies support this observation…”
Study 5.
Folate in Skin Cancer Prevention
Williams et al 2012
“…Photodegradation of bioactive folates suggests a mechanism for the increased tendency of populations of low melanin pigmentation residing in areas of high UV exposure to develop skin cancers. Folate is proposed as a cancer prevention target for its role in providing precursors for DNA repair and replication, as well as its ability to promote genomic integrity through the generation of methyl groups needed for control of gene expression. The cancer prevention potential of folate has been demonstrated by large-scale epidemiological and nutritional studies indicating that decreased folate status increases the risk of developing certain cancers….”
Study 6.
Melanoma incidence trends and survival in adolescents and young adults in Queensland, Australia
Iannacone et al 2015
“…Even fewer studies have been conducted of trends in incidence of melanoma in adolescents and young adults in recent decades despite a background of steadily increasing incidence of cutaneous melanoma in general in the last 50 years in fair-skinned populations. One longitudinal study among a broader age group of adolescent girls and young women in California showed melanoma rates increasing from the early 1990s. Another more recent study of melanoma trends in the USA from 1992 to 2006 in children, teenagers and young adults showed that melanoma incidence rose significantly among females up to 30 years. On the other hand, after a similar rapid rise in teenage melanoma rates in Sweden in the 1980s, the incidence rate fell by 26% in the 1990s…”
Study 7.
Relationship between sunbed use and melanoma risk in a large case-control study in the United Kingdom
Elliot et al 2012
“…Therefore, we have not found any evidence of a relationship between sunbed use and melanoma risk….”
“…In summary, we have found no evidence for sunbed use as a risk factor for melanoma in the UK; although we cannot exclude a small effect of ever sunbed use, nor risk associated with use early in life, we can exclude a large effect…”
Study 8.
Melanoma and sun exposure: contrasts between intermittent and chronic exposure
Elwood 1992
“…The evidence is consistent with a complex relationship of melanoma risk to sun exposure, the risk being increased by intermittent exposure to levels of sun which are higher than normal for that individual, but no increased risk or even a decreased risk related to long term chronic exposure….”
Study 9.
Pigmentation and Vitamin D Metabolism in Caucasians: Low Vitamin D Serum Levels in Fair Skin Types in the UK
Glas et al 2009
“….Contrary to previous studies across different ethnic backgrounds, this study within Caucasian UK females shows that fair skin types have lower levels of 25(OH)D compared to darker skin types with potential detrimental health effects. Public health campaigns advocating sun avoidance in fair skinned individuals may need to be revised in view of their risk of vitamin D deficiency…”
“…Vitamin D serum levels are influenced mainly by sun exposure and to a lesser extent by diet[8]. Advice about avoiding sun exposure and the use of sunscreens for the primary prevention of skin cancer may lead to vitamin D deficiency in susceptible individuals….”
“…Vitamin D has pleiotropic effects on many cell types and whilst most research has in the past focused on the impact on bone health, it is now clear that vitamin D deficiency affects many other systems . Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cancer, inflammatory disorders, autoimmune and psychiatric diseases. More recent studies have also shown an association between low serum 25(OH)D levels and metabolic syndrome characterised by abdominal obesity, raised blood pressure and triglycerides with low HDL cholesterol…”
Study 10.
Where the sun does not shine: is sunshine protective against melanoma of the vulva?
Moan et al 2010
“…melanomas may arise also in non-sun-exposed areas such as the vulva….”
“..Thus, latitudinal trends seem to support the assumption that vulvar melanomas are not generated by UV radiation, and the possibility exists that solar UV radiation, probably via its role in vitamin D photosynthesis in exposed skin, may have a protective effect against vulvar melanoma and should be further investigated….”
Study 11.
Here comes the sun: Recognition of DNA damaged by ultraviolet radiation
Chu and Wang 2008
“…Nucleotide excision repair recognizes and removes UV-induced lesions in a background of billions of normal base pairs and accomplishes this daunting task by two different mechanisms: transcription-coupled repair and global genomic repair. Transcription coupled repair recognizes lesions on transcribed DNA by the stalling of RNA polymerase II at the site of damage…”
Study 12.
How nucleotide excision repair protects against cancer.
Friedberg 2001
“..Living cells respond to DNA damage by a variety of mechanisms, including a series of biochemical pathways called DNA repair. These include three discrete pathways for the excision of damaged bases, called base excision repair, mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair (NER)….”
Cutaneous vitamin D synthesis versus skin cancer development
Study 13.
Cutaneous vitamin D synthesis versus skin cancer development
The Janus faces of solar UV-radiation
Reichrath and Nurmberg 2008
“… We and others have shown that strict sun protection causes vitamin D-deficiency/insufficiency and that detection and treatment of vitamin D-deficiency in sun deprived risk groups is of high importance. Although further work is necessary to define an adequate vitamin D-status and adequate guidelines for solar and artificial UV-exposure, it is at present mandatory that public health campaigns and sun protection recommendations to prevent skin cancer consider these facts….”
Study 14.
All It Takes for Corruption in Health Systems to Triumph, Is Good People Who Do Nothing
Mostert & Kaspers 2019
“…Numerous investigations demonstrate that the problem of corruption in the health sector is enormous and has grave negative consequences for patients….”