Didier Raoult you may remember was the French infectious disease scientific expert who suggested using Hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic and early stage treatment for coronavirus. The Indian state of Kerala in particular had very good results using HCQ in 2020.
Now the French government want to sack him because he is an independent voice. The reason they are giving is that he has reached retirement age. But there is no statutory age limit for the post he occupies and he does not want to retire.
You can sign the petition here
The petition form is in french. There is a drop down list for countries. (“Pays”)
USA is Etats Unis, UK is Royaume Unie, Australia is Australie, New Zealand is Nouvelle Zelande
“Je signe la petition” is I sign the petition.
If you click ” Oui, je veux être informé” you will receive an email keeping you informed.
If you click “non” that means you don’t want to know what happens.
There is an optional field “Je signe parce que” where you can put your reasons for signing if you wish to.
(Note: the author of this website, Chris Parkinson believes that the treatment of choice for all viral infections is an adequate level of vitamin d, at least 50 ng/ml and in case of acute infection high dose vitamin c intravenous.)
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