Chris’s introduction to “Nutrition the third medicine” by Dr. Jean Seignalet

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Picture: Montpellier faculty of medicine. The second oldest medical faculty in Europe where Dr. Seignalet was a professor. Photo courtesy of Vpe.

Visitors to this site will have realised by now that I’m a huge fan of Dr. Jean Seignalet’s work. Click on the “Seignalet Diet” top link to learn more about Dr. Seignalet and hit diet.

L’alimentation ou la troisième médecine

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“Nutrition -the third medicine” is my translation of the title of the 700 page book by French professor of medicine, Dr. Jean Seignalet who put 91 chronic disease into remission with his “ancestral” diet.

In this video I try to give you an insight into what his (as yet untranslated) book contains. I hope this will be of special interest to publishers. If you contact me I can put you in touch with Dr. Seignalet’s daughter who can sell you the English rights to the book.

You can see Dr. Seignalet’s results tables (translated by me) at 22.15

Dr. Seignalet died in 2003 – I try to bring his work up to date on this site

Dr. Seignalet died in 2003 and this last (5th edition) of his book was published in 2002. In the last ten years there has been a huge amount of research into vitamin d. Mainly by Professor Hollick and it’s now apparent that vitamin d deficiency is implicated in every one of the diseases Dr. Seignalet’s diet reverses. The Seignalet diet on its own does not always achieve full remission. I think 100% remission is much more likely if you follow the diet AND get plenty of sun or tanning bed exposure or supplement with vitamin d.

So see also my series of 10 videos on “The Truth about Tanning and Tanning Beds”. Start with the 1st in the series: “We are being lied to”.
I’ve made 34 videos in the past year. Some of them took 10 days or more of intense research to make and this has been at some financial cost because I have had to take time off from my day job. If you would like to give me some support so that I can continue to make videos like this one here is my subscribestar page.

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You can buy my tanning bed which hangs on a door by clicking here